Please, make it HD for iPhone 4.
Please, make it HD for iPhone 4.
Really nice app. Alot of fun. But we need one for the iPad. And lets have it do fireworks at the end.
I like it but they do not have many stock photos and I wish they could go by sleeps or for days have how many hours minutes and seconds to!
I love this app!! My 6 year old checks it everyday. It is very easy to use and helps build up the excitement for our trip. I have been counting down for our trip for 2 years now and this app has been great - no bugs or crashes!
I like this wdw countdown app, but the thing that stops this app from getting 5 stars is the fact that it does not always auto update on the countdown badge on the app icon. Sometimes you need to go into the app to get a update or if you leave your iPod touch or iPhone on it seems to update when you look at it the next day but if you turn it off and then turn it back on the next day it doesnt always seem to be updated - unless you go in the app. Besides that it is a nice little app worth the 99 cents. Fix the updating and I will give it 5 stars.
Love everything Disney and this app helps me during the long weeks before our trip.
Its a nice way to get excited for the trip. Pictures are great and the icon countdown is nice as its a constant reminder of your vacation.
Fun app! Wish there were more stock photos though, including ones for Disneyland, not just of Disneyworld...
Love this app. Dh and I send each other photos from it BUT You need to update your stock pics. It actually gets boring seeing the same ones day after day. Weve got 79 days before our summer temp and I turned it off for now. Please update soon
Great app! Could be more interactive but it does what its made to do :$
Good solid countdown app. Would love more stock photos. Also, it would be great to have the option to change the template so that the numbers could be on the other side or bottom.
I absolutely love this app. The stock photos are great, but would be nice if those would be updated or changed regularly. Great purchase though, highly recommend for any Disney park fan!
I use this app every year to count down our trip!! Love that I can put a pic of my son or family into the app also!
Love this app. All my kids have it on their iPods and mine, as well as my iPad. They are always checking it out. This will be our 7 th Disney trip! More pictures for the screen would be nice.
This app is very good! The last update was awesome! I do wish they had more stock photos for DL not mostly Dw :(
I get a lot of joy looking at my screen and knowing that theres less than 3 weeks till my trip. A rough day can seem less tough when you know that the magic is coming sooner than you think. Every trip we take a new photo for the app at our fav resort. Simple and great.
Love this countdown! Easy to screencap or share, easy to use, lots of options for backgrounds and styles. Two thumbs up!
Would be a good app if the option to post to Facebook actually worked. Have been trying for 2 days (since purchasing it) & still no success. Wish I hadnt paid for it.
Ive deleted the app and reinstalled. I got a brand new iPhone and the same problem. As soon as I click to photo capture my countdown the app shuts off. Every single time.